• Benefit of the Day


    In his 7 minute address that now graces the halls of history, Abraham Lincoln said, “the world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it will never forget what they did here.”  Two centuries have come and gone and few can remember what was said, but we do know that God […]

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  • Unity


    Unity.  God looked down upon the tower of Babel and declared that because of their unity “nothing” would be withheld from them. Even though they were wicked in their actions and had set their heart against God, it was their unity that set them apart. Joshua found it to be true as he led the […]

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  • You must Lead


    The cast of images around Meca, Islam’s most important religious site, displays thousands of men walking, kneeling, and praying.  While women are instructed in prayer and other rituals, the men of Islam lead their families in every aspect of worship as it is in accordance with their tradition and religious beliefs. Hinduism, while searching for self-realization, […]

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  • Where does God dwell?


    After many years in the making, David is the king of both Israel and Judah.  The land has finally been united.  All of his enemies have been laid to waste as treasure fills the coffers and horses and land are held in abundance, but David is not content. He’s distraught over the Ark of the […]

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  • “What does God see?”


    When the twelve leaders of Israel came back to report their findings to Moses about the land of Canaan, the vast majority held a negative report.  In spite of God’s clarified victory, ten men declared defeat.  Only Joshua and Caleb came back with positive report as they reiterated God’s spoken word. Everyone saw the same land.  […]

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  • We must preach the Word


    Sound teaching and preaching.  Direct biblical statements.  Holiness.  The name of Jesus in baptism. Take your pick; they are all under assault.  While the apostles preached an exclusive message, modern Christianity seeks to clarify the Bible’s intent so as to broaden it’s range of acceptance. Bible doctrines have become too narrow for the casual Christian.  Yet […]

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  • Bless our Lord and Honor our fallen


    A claim was made that the first Civil War soldier’s grave ever decorated occurred in Warrantor, Virginia, on June 3, 1861. From that moment there was a thought to set aside a day to honor all those killed in the war.  They called it Decoration Day.  The Civil War rocked the country; tore apart families; […]

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  • Truth – Light


    An old story tells of a man who awoke in the middle of a long night.  His eyes quickly adjusted to his dark surroundings as there was no light to guide him.  The night lasted for many years with no appearance of the sun.  His life was lived out in blackness until one day the […]

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  • Paid in Full


    A little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was fixing supper and handed her a piece of paper that he had been writing on. After his mom dried her hands on an her apron, she read it, and this is what it said: For cutting the grass: $5.00 […]

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  • Rooted and built up


    In respect to the spring that is upon us, there is a truth that remains about life; in particular, this Christian life.  While flowers bloom and trees find their leaves, the fact is that their strength remains hidden beneath the ground.  Roots.  Often unappreciated, unseen, uncherished; yet roots bring nourishment and sustaining stability. Even the […]

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