• Redefining Christianity


    History has a way of repeating itself. Unfortunately, mass consciousness leads collective thought off the proverbial cliff, thinking that the majority must be right. This is a warning for those of us who espouse the exclusivity of Jesus’ Name in baptism and Holiness: The spirit of the age is against the church. It begins with […]

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  • Defiance


    Defiance is not always a positive term. The natural assumption leans toward rebellion. However, there is a time when each believer must be defiant against the demands of the enemy. Jesus defied many of the traditions demanded by the pharisees and they called Him out on it. He healed on the Sabbath. He and His […]

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  • Divided


    If we read the words of Jesus carefully, the last days of time will include the spirit of division and separation. This divide is meant to disrupt the work of the Kingdom and is framed as a tool of the devil. If possible, the enemy would love to segregate us from each other by whatever […]

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  • Agape


    Agape Upon the resurrection, and after dinner, Jesus began the process of restoring Peter. The shame of denial hung heavy, and yet, mercy had its way. Jesus asked a very similar question three times to Peter: “Lovest thou me?” Some assume this to be the pathway to reconcile Peter’s three denials, though it seems unlikely […]

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  • He Sees Me


    Gen 16:13  And she called the name of the LORD that spake unto her, Thou God seest me: for she said, Have I also here looked after him that seeth me? When Abraham left Mount Moriah, he called God, Jehovah -Jireh, The Lord will provide. Gideon built an altar and named God, Jehovah Shalom. These […]

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  • Beauty For Ashes


    In Northern Ireland remains the remnants of a major volcanic eruption. While the volcano itself has long since passed, the massive molten basalt rocks stand quietly in the water’s bay. There are an estimated 37,000 polygon columns perfectly measured as if they were handcrafted by human intent. It’s called The Giant’s Causeway; the scene is […]

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  • See Something, Say Something


    Case study is an interesting field. For many years these courses devoured my time. The subject usually revolves around precedent. One particular court ruling often determines future findings. Thus, laws are built upon prior rulings as long as they adhere to the Constitution and conditions presented. In one case, a horrible crime was being committed […]

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  • Character


    In a tragic report, a small sailboat drifted in the night into a turbulent storm. The young sailors unknowingly did not remember to cast their anchor and fell asleep without preparation to the drift. The boat drifted into the unknown. More experienced seaman stated that without the anchor, it is easy to be carried away, […]

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  • One Day


    I am reminded of the word of Alan Oggs: “The difference a Day Makes.” He spoke of his own life and new doors opening up to him. In a single day, the world changed for him. This word also speaks to the exodus of the Children of Israel. Moses was born into chaos. Moses was […]

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  • We Have A Window


    I have lived long enough to know that while the beginning of a thing is celebrated, the ending is what really matters. Old movies depicted as much. The characters waved goodbye and the credits rolled through. A final screen with the words “The End” appeared. Whatever the casts’ displayed; musical score or director’s intent, the […]

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