In the black of night the ocean has an endless edge. Even professional sailors have no real expertise in managing those contemptible waters. Early this month, Donald Lawson, an experienced sailor, has been reported “lost at sea.” His 60ft Ocean Racing Multihull Association-class trimaran boat cannot be found. While the Coast Guard is covering a 300 nautical mile radius, the hope of finding him is growing dim.
“Lost at sea” has been a common epitaph through the centuries of sailors’ efforts to traverse the globe. The open water holds no respect for those who desire such travel. Nevertheless, men of all persuasions have challenged the oceans time and again.
God said to Cain, “if you do well”, you will be accepted. However, if you do not, sin “lieth at the door.” God warned Cain not to challenge the abyss of sin. Cain had no media influences; no peer pressure or worldly input. Even still, he defied the word of God and spent his life “lost at sea”.
Compromise is the common thread among backsliders. I grieve to think that many may never find their way back to an altar of repentance. For this reason, I am calling the church to seek a total commitment. There is no room or time to waste. Halfheartedness and uninvolvement always ends in loss. Our day demands a whole-hearted devotion to the things of God. And yes, I am joined by many saints who are praying for a recovery of all those who are “lost at sea.” Nonetheless, you have the choice to spend your time around the church and the things of God. Kingdom first. Everything else is inconsequential.
The Bible features real stories of men and women who made their choice. The outcomes are always the same. Those who are devoted find peace and hope. Those who live outside of consecration are “lost at sea.”
Pastor Jeffrey Harpole