Pearl of Great Price

Only twice in the Scripture is the word “pearl” found. The second describes the gate of Heaven. The first is located in the Lord’s parable concerning the Kingdom. Mat 13:46 Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. The Lord’s message pertained to the pursuit of the Kingdom, it’s value, and personal perception.

The verse intentionally reveals the conflict of our day in that many do not believe that “selling all” is worth the trade. Community churches often remove the message of self-denial and sacrifice. These subjects are uncomfortable for the modern believer and rarely garnish large audiences. Rather, preachers and church leaders alike purport to “keep what you have and add Jesus to your life.” This philosophy, though vain and destructive, has drawn crowds of people which desire both worldly lifestyles and religious connections.

Yet, the Pearl of great price was deemed far more valuable than whatever was sold. In other words, the seller deemed the pearl greater. He believed it to be worth more. He was convinced of its value, but he could not afford the one without selling the rest. Jesus will make it clear that the man could not attain the greater unless he gave up the lesser. To that end, our own perception of the Kingdom, the church, and the Great Commission is put to the test. We must decide what the work of the Kingdom means juxtaposed against our own desires. This is about the worth of the “pearl.”

I submit that unless we give our all, we will not be a part of God’s Kingdom. Part-time Pentecostals are nothing more than religious Pharisees. They abide by a pseudo-christian culture, but are unwilling to do the work of the Master. The half-hearted are troubled by the message of being a witness. They will not sacrifice time or money or anything that makes a demand on their comfort. This is why so many people flock to religions which offer watered-down doctrines and conviction-less sermons.

It is my firm belief that the early church apostles would not be welcomed in most pulpits in America. They were saturated with teaching and preaching the Gospel. They believed that nothing was more important than soul-winning, baptisms, and prayer.

Our purpose must be the same as those who began: To reach the lost with the Gospel and to believe that the Kingdom of Jesus Christ is greater, more worthy, than anything we possess on earth. It is the Pearl on this earth.

Pastor Jeffrey Harpole