• Security is mortals’ greatest enemy


    “You all know,” said the Guide, “that security is mortals’ greatest enemy.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Pilgrim’s Progress               Fleeting is the life that we all share.  Like a gust of wind, our days are swift and often unnoticeable.  To most of the population, even congregations, as long as […]

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  • Behold the beauty of the Lord


    Hanukkah is not a part of the Christian Christmas observance.  Many probably do not notice it’s time or reason with the date falling near the winter solstice, Dec. 22.  It’s also called “The Feast of Lights”, but in the Bible it was noted as “The Feast of Dedication”  John 10:22.  While it was not an […]

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  • Leading by Example


    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once used Victor Hugo’s phrase in a speech when describing the urgency of his plight. He said “What we are seeing now is a freedom explosion, the realization of ‘an idea whose time has come.’”  Since that day every group has tried to tie their personal beliefs and ambitions to King’s […]

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  • In my Father’s house


    Peeling away the layers of insignificant things, I’ve found the most common pursuit of us all.  Ultimately, the main thing is to make it to Heaven.  All discussions of life and living end at Eternal Life.  Next comes our Purpose for life, followed by our Identity in Christ, but the primary still remains; Our Destiny. […]

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  • Let us begin…


    Gen 11:6  The LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. (NIV)   Standing on that mountain of handmade boulders, the architects of that great tower must have seen the vision.  Babylon was the greatest progressive city […]

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  • What If …


    Consider the question that God asked Cain in the opening pages of time: Gen 4:7  If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? The answer was inside the question. God’s “if” came with a requirement and acceptance, blessing, and favor was the result. The Lord spoke to  the congregation in 2 Chr 7:14  If […]

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  • God will provide himself a lamb…


    The difference between Mary and Martha was distance.  We could point to  priorities, but in the most simplistic and literal form, distance from Jesus was the issue.  Martha was busy cleaning and maintaining the house while Mary was sitting at His feet.  The critical point is this: To be removed from His voice is to […]

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  • guard ourselves…….


    ADT joins a host of home protection services which have grown in the last few years. Irrespective of the value of the house, owners are concerned with invasions and break-ins.  Some blame a poor economy or drugs for the rise in robberies, but history shows that thieves have been with us from the dawn of […]

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  • the Lord often uses other means than our logic


    John 9:6-7  When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay,  And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, …he went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.  If you read the […]

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  • Little is much


    God’s Economy has mystified the world for thousands of years.  His providence is beyond our understanding, but the result of His power is written on the pages of history. Follow it with me: Gideon conquers a massive enemy without raising a single sword. His victory is via 300 men with trumpets and torches standing in a circle.  Jesus feeds […]

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