• See the Lord for Who He is


    Much to the consternation of Jesus, the disciples abruptly dismissed the approaching children and their parents.   They thought it inappropriate for the children to take up the Master’s time. Little did they know that the opposite was true:  He wanted to touch them.  The Kingdom demands for us all to become as children.  In that […]

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  • Order precedes the Miracle


    In the same passage that describes Jesus cleansing the Temple, it also depicts Him performing notable miracles. Jesus begins by casting out merchants that bought and sold in the Temple.  He overthrows tables of money, spilling their wears on the floor.  The scene is chaotic as men scramble to salvage their enterprise.  Their manipulation of […]

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  • “What do you do with a buried god?”


    Genesis 35 finds Jacob on his way to Bethel.  He’s leaving Laban and the current conflict behind, but on the way Jacob discovers Rachel’s hidden gods.  They were household figures made of soft stone and wood.   They were family idols common among Laban’s faithless crew.  Genesis 35:4  So they gave Jacob all the foreign […]

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  • Rejoice greatly


    A messenger was sent to declare a new king in Israel. The Bible describes him as a madman in attire and in conduct. It sounds like John the Baptist, but this happened in that older testament. The Word of God was in his mouth; the prophecy and appointment of this new king was sure and […]

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  • take up your cross and follow me …


    In an open display of prophecy, Jesus will tell His disciples about His impending death by the hands of the elders, chief priests, and teachers of the law.  He said that the “Son of Man must suffer many things…”  The disciples hear His words, but cannot understand their meaning.  The message is far from the victorious […]

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  • Think on these things


    Knowing the growing pressures of the early church, the apostles made a declaration about priorities.  Acts 6 is a display of the growing pains that occurred naturally in the church.  The apostles were knee-deep in feeding the hungry; helping the widows and the needy. While the function was important, the demand was taking time away […]

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  • …them that obey him


    After living a good life; contributing to society in a positive fashion; or leaving a legacy of giving, the census is that you will go to Heaven in the end.  It’s what I call, The Human Equation.  This equation adds person to personality or individual to accomplishment resulting in eternal life. To the rational mind, decent people […]

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  • The law of the LORD is perfect


    Psa 19:7-11  The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.  The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments […]

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  • After the storm …


    At His bequest, the disciples will board a boat and cross the sea.  Weariness has overtaken the Lord as He falls asleep in the lower part.  At the helm are seaworthy men who have traversed these waters many times, but a tempest arises that takes control of their vessel as they face the inevitable: They […]

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  • Intentions will not save us …


    Mark 1:8  “I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.” In the scripture, John preached that his baptism in water was only preparatory for the baptism that Jesus would bring.  Modern theologians agree that John’s baptism was also a precursor to the baptisms given by the disciples […]

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