What If …


Consider the question that God asked Cain in the opening pages of time: Gen 4:7  If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? The answer was inside the question. God’s “if” came with a requirement and acceptance, blessing, and favor was the result. The Lord spoke to  the congregation in 2 Chr 7:14  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.   First came the challenge; then came the benefit.  It was both then and now; If – Then.  Always predicated on our action and obedience.

It’s upon this biblical premise that I am moved to ask these questions. What If we changed our lives so that God would release His blessing and favor? What if we became willing to do anything and everything for the Gospel’s sake?  God is willing, but He is waiting for us to “do well.”

God will have a people somewhere, in some place.  Joel prophesied that He “will pour out of His Spirit” upon all flesh.  There will be a revival of souls in the coming year and I long for it to be in this house.  I just need the church to agree with me and make a life-change.  Time, money, effort, witnessing, prayer, fasting, devotion, singleness of heart.      All of this and more.  Our homes must be for Bible studies and Small Groups. Our cars must be for transporting people to church.  Our jobs must be in order to give to the work.  Our voices must be for worship and a witness.

Who can tell if this year is not our final year?  We cannot allow lost souls to pass us by.  We must be busy about our Father’s business. So I’m calling for

laborers that will work in this field.  I’m seeking like-minded people who will Be One to Win One.  What If we all worked together in unity?

Pastor Jeffrey Harpole