Carry The Burden
Who shall carry the burden of the Lord? Moses led Israel through the Red Sea on dry ground. God parted the waters via the rod in Moses’ hand. It was the pinnacle miracle in the history of Israel; even to this day. The second crossing did not garnish as much fame. Joshua led the people […]
Set Your Face
Luke 9:51 And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem. It was the final turn in the limited earthly life of Jesus of Nazareth. The time had come to be sacrificed. Calvary lay ahead and He was the […]
In a very strict sense, and to those of us born with rational brains, Motherhood is the state of being a mother. The birth of a child is the foremost prerequisite, however, adoption or marriage to a man who has children constitutes the state of Motherhood. Since its inception, Motherhood has always been intertwined with […]
Tender Mercies
I’ve often contemplated the mercy of God and it’s depth. David will seek for God’s forgiveness by invoking what he called God’s “tender mercies.” Psa 51:1 Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. The psalmist wrote: Psa 25:6 Remember, O […]
An Army
Consider the path of the prophet Elisha. He is leading the nation, traveling through nondescript regions, guiding and directing. A Shunamite woman takes note of his anointing and presses Elisha to stop by her house. The scene is layered with meaning; expectation, honor, and blessing. The scripture describes her keen insight into the anointed man […]
I often wonder how much of the American experience distorts the biblical command. It is striking to see the plethora of modern filters placed on the Bible, making it appear to be something different than its original intent. Time and distance mingled with religious tradition has clouded basic scripture. We are commanded to run from […]
The oldest olive press was found in Tel Hadar in Israel. It is a manual press consisting of a large round stone in a shallow stone base. The extraction of the oil was labor intensive. In simplicity, both the weight of the olives and the heavy stone moving in a circular motion, made the oil […]
Acts 9 is a description of Paul’s conversion. He stayed in Damascus for a while, guided by Ananias. In time, he was sent to Jerusalem under the careful eye of Barnabas. Paul’s persecution of the church had been well known, leaving doubt that he had become a disciple. In the conclusion, Luke writes Acts 9:31 […]
The Greatest Victory
Consider the aftermath of the Lord’s crucifixion. Mistakes were made, of this we are certain. Passover and Sabbath laws were violated. Threats against the Roman Empire were levied and so much more. The chief priests let their anger rule them and it cost them even before the weekend was over. After the death of Jesus, […]
Make Him Known
Of the plethora of nuances brought about by modernism, there is a constant insatiable appetite for people to know and be known. The irony is not lost when we hear pseudo-celebrities ask for privacy as they post hundreds of selfies. A cartoonist sparked a firestorm of laughter when he depicted British royals traveling the United […]