• …to the uttermost part of the earth


    In 1948 Jim Elliot paraphrased the 16th century preacher, Philip Henry, when he wrote; “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”  Elliot was one of five missionaries killed while evangelizing in Ecuador. The people to whom he brought the message of an abundant life were also […]

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  • Everything that can be Shaken, will be Shaken


    In the early morning hours of September 11, 2001 the world shifted. Most notably the landscape of New York changed.  Dust and smoke billowed into the sky; buildings that stood for decades lay as rubble.  Notwithstanding the great tragedy of lives lost; the mentality of America began to change also. War was followed by financial […]

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  • Foundation of Prayers


    Moving on seems to be a collective thought.  We do love the “here and now.”  People 40 years ago were not interested in the struggle of those who wearily fought the world wars. They disregarded the former sacrifice and began fighting for a sexual revolution. The next generation came along with a more sarcastic view […]

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  • Religion is being redefined


    News Bulletin: “Christians in a post-Christian Culture.”  We saw it coming, but the speed and vehemence of the “new normal” often takes our breath away.  Many are scrambling to find a place to stand while the world morphs into a perverse pose.  Religion is being redefined – the Bible is being trashed, believers are on […]

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  • Success


    Joshua 1:8 is the only place where the word “success” is found in the Bible.   The requirement to achieve it is clearly marked:  Meditate on the Word day and night so that you may do all that is written therein.  It’s not talent or a matter of good genes.  It’s constant meditation which takes time […]

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  • Motivation


    Motivation. In a single word comes the advancement of a litany of books about the subject.  Americans are addicted to being “Motivated.”  It is the basis for conferences, conventions and in part, power drinks.  Yet with all of this, we are doing less with more.  We have more resources; more tools, more helps than at […]

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  • Infringement of the Major


    After careful review of our most recent days, there is little argument that America has made a full shift from a conservative base thought to a more liberal expression.  Themes as Equality, Social Justice, and Gender Fluidity now occupy newsprint and airwaves.  Paul wrote that perilous times would come and indeed they are here.  This […]

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  • How Christian Are You?


    The Washington Times released a quiz for all who might wonder, “How Christian Are You?”  A test follows with trivia-type Bible questions. The outcome is probably not as relevant as its reflection to the larger issue: There are now levels of Christianity.  The Barna Group conducted a similar study called: “How Christian are Christians?”  It […]

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  • Time


    Age, that undefeated foe, has reared its head more often than any other enemy known to our bodies.  Its inescapable grasp has taken down the brightest of minds; crippled the most amenable feet; halted the progress of a million ambitions.  The conclusion of all science, research, and medical advancements has failed to conquer it.  The […]

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  • “Come as you are”


    A recent church sign read, “Come as you are.”  Without being antagonistic, something struck me as inconsistent with the scripture.  When God called out to Moses in a burning bush, Moses could not come as he was, for God told him to take off his shoes, “for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.” […]

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