• Offer Thanks Unto the Lord


    Traditions are often dismissed in light of what might be trending.  Modernism now stretches far beyond technological advances.  It has invaded the way in which we remember our past and honor our heritage.  Thanksgiving Day was once a time to recall the goodness of the Lord in our lives.  It was a tradition set forth […]

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  • Jesus was not willing to coexist


    The Gospel of Mark records the moment.  Jarius has a young, twelve year old daughter who is sick unto death.  He is desperate to bring Jesus back home with him for the sake of her healing, but in transit Jesus is deterred.  By the time they arrive to the house, Jarius’ daughter is dead.  The […]

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  • Sweeter than honey to my taste


    Health is the subject of a myriad of articles. Human existence centers around food sources and nutrition.  In fact, there are daily reports about food issues, diets, and healthier ways to eat.  From saccharin to gluten, people are discovering that food is the greatest influence on the quality of life.  All of us spend time […]

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  • Early will I seek thee.


    Psa 63:1  A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah. O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; In the opening description of David’s psalm, this poet-king is […]

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  • His Glory Shines


    The words and actions of the Lord and are often confusing to many of us.  Consider John 3:5-6.  Jesus loved Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Yet when He heard that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was two more days.  It could have been written in this manner: “the Lord loved Lazarus so much that […]

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  • The Scripture shapes us


    Ed Stetzer provided the details: “Our culture has 3 Christian sub-groups: cultural, congregational, and convictional.  The first two identify, but do not shape their lives around the Christian faith.  They see themselves as connected through heritage or involvement.” The last shape their lives around their faith. Stetzer says that Christianity means “different things to different […]

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  • Lost souls are worth ……?


    What is the price of a single soul?  A new car cost about $30,000.  A new built house—$150,000.  A new career might cost every Sunday. Jesus asked the question, “What would a man give in exchange for his soul?”  The Lord explained further that if a man should gain the whole world, it still would […]

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  • Fight the good fight of Faith


    Jonathon is the son of Saul.  He is a young man full of faith and courage. The scene is set wherein Israel is depleted of their military weapons. Jonathon has one of the two remaining swords. Ahead is a garrison of Philistines, some 20 armed men, waiting for war.  Jonathon says to his armor bearer “Let’s […]

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  • Children of the Light


    By mere deductive reasoning, all those who walk after the flesh are condemned.  Most would not accept condemnation regardless of how they live, but Paul writes:  Rom 8:1  “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”  If you are walking […]

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  • Living Without A Filter


    Air conditioning is rarely appreciated until it doesn’t exist.  Technicians report that the lifespan of a unit depends heavily on the maintenance of the filter.  A $5,000 unit can be destroyed by a clogged $10 filter.  Incredibly enough, most problems with A/C units deal with dirty filters.  A new unit is far more expensive than […]

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