Hinges …
In regards to Vision….Out-Reach is certainly part of the mission that makes up the purpose of the Church. To see the lost saved and to teach the Gospel is a Primary, but Reaching in or “In-Reach” must also be present within the church. We have been brought together as brothers and sisters by the Blood of […]
People are talking …
For those of you still preparing for Y2K, Twitter is a way to express a thought through a smartphone or another device. Twitter claims 974 million accounts: 247 million are active. Facebook boasts of 1.23 billion active accounts. This says nothing of the billions of emails, Snapchat, and other forms of communication. In short, a lot of […]
Vulnerable and Meek
Lost in the narrative of God’s might and power is the vulnerability that the Eternal God assumed when He came to this earth. Unlike many other creatures an infant child cannot survive on its own. Newborns must be cared for, fed, clothed, and nurtured. The position in which He put Himself is an immediate insight […]
Kindness …
Paul is at the end of an exhaustive list of directives when he comes to this final thought: Ephesians 4:32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you. I was reminded of a hard and detailed man who sought for others to be […]
The Lamb …
Consider with me: Jesus is twelve years old when He is found teaching in the Temple. Joseph and Mary have made their yearly journey to yet another festival as a family. We won’t see Him again for 18 years and that will happen in Cana at a wedding. Tradition is a powerful thing and it appears […]
the Lord of peace…
John records four chapters of the Lord’s words to His disciples before His betrayal. Unknown to them at the time, these are the words of preparation which commence His suffering. The disciples are not aware of what is about to take place. They are oblivious to the coming crucifixion as they are but a few days away […]
Thankfulness …
Luke records ten lepers who came to Jesus with their physical need. Out of options and waiting to die, the lepers had given up all hope except to plead their case to Jesus. It’s unknown who the ten lepers were, as there are no attributing names, but we do know that the one who came […]
“keeps no record of wrongs”
Psalm 130:3-4 “If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness…” John writes that God is love. This is not just an attribute borne from the self-will of a deity, but John said that Love is the essence of His nature. God is the definition […]
The work is in the field…
Some time ago a prayer group started among several churches. The concern centered around lost souls. When the pastors made the appeal for the meeting they were surprised at the positive response. Attendance was almost triple their original estimates. The program changed due to the increased number and a steering committee formed. Prayer meetings continued until […]
Purpose …
Purpose is defined as the reason for something done or created. It is the meaning for all things. Jesus said the Holy Ghost would give us power to be witnesses. Acts 1:8. In John 3 He described that without this born again experience a person could not enter Heaven. That’s Purpose. The Bible also declares […]