• This is the LORD’S doing


    When I see the provisions of the Lord, I stand amazed at what He has done.   The psalmist put it succinctly: Psalm 118:23  This is the LORD’S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.  From a humble beginning in a basement church in 1965 to our two campuses, God has guided our steps and made […]

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  • Loose him, and let him go


    John 11:44  And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with grave clothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them,Loose him, and let him go. Lazarus was a personal friend of Jesus.  It is without question that Jesus stayed at the house in Bethany many times.  […]

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  • New Direction


    Repentance is a widely used term in most denominational settings.  Christians far and wide begin and end with this concept.  Most think that it means saying that we are sorry for what we have done wrong.  While this is part of the process, repentance is really “an about face.”  It is a turning away from […]

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  • to live is …


    While perusing through the plethora of Christian material, I discovered something glaringly absent.  There were insights into family; marriage restoration; stewardship and finance material, but nothing about Prayer and Fasting.  It provoked me to investigate books written about self-sacrifice and I found very few. Gethsemane where Jesus accepted the cup of sorrow was not found.  Power […]

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  • Healing is three-fold


    After reviewing the course of our lives and the things the past has brought about, it is clear that many of us are dealing with hurt levied against us.  A damaged root is not always the fault of the wounded.  Nevertheless, issues remain and may cause lifelong struggles.  Life has a way of grounding even […]

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  • Nuclear family


    At the most basic level, a healthy Family is critical to a healthy church.  In fact, the family unit, also called the nuclear family, is the basic building block of all peoples, nations, and lands.  There is no other structure that can take the place of the Family.  God’s first institution was the marriage and […]

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  • The Root was pride …


    Carelessly Esau sold his birthright away for a bowl of soup.  Notwithstanding Jacob’s deception or Rachel’s complicity, Esau did not live a sober life.  He was so confident in himself that he considered his own ability greater than his priceless birthright.  Unfortunately at the end he found himself empty and without the final blessing of […]

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  • Take Root


    2 Kings 19:30  And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall yet again take root downward, and bear fruit upward. Isaiah will repeat this prophetic word in his self-titled book.  The promise was simple:  Those that remain faithful; dutiful; retaining the covenant from old time, shall take root downward which will […]

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  • Freedom came at a cost …


    America is 240 years old this year. The earliest settlement began May 14, 1607 in a place called Jamestown.  Before that this land was occupied by natives and tribes of people who lived here and raised their families in their traditional way.  America has a rich heritage hosting opportunities and windows of possibilities.  Through the […]

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  • The Value of Forever


    Quick.  What is the most valuable thing you can think of?  Gold?  Diamonds?  Rubies?  How about property somewhere in Manhattan?  I would concur that each hold great value. but Jesus asked the most probing question of all pertaining to worth and value.  He asked, “What would a man give in exchange for his soul?”  The […]

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