• The work is in the field…


    Some time ago a prayer group started among several churches.  The concern centered around lost souls.  When the pastors made the appeal for the meeting they were surprised at the positive response. Attendance was almost triple their original estimates. The program changed due to the increased number and a steering committee formed.  Prayer meetings continued until […]

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  • Purpose …


    Purpose is defined as the reason for something done or created. It is the meaning for all things.  Jesus said  the Holy Ghost would give us power to be witnesses. Acts 1:8.  In John 3 He described that without this born again experience a person could not enter Heaven.  That’s Purpose.  The Bible also declares […]

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  • Total Commitment


    At the end of a long conversation my friend replied that he was not ready to make a commitment toward Christ.  He said, “I want just enough of Jesus to get by.”  I was too young to understand the depth of the moment, but I realized it some years later.  My friend liked church.  He […]

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  • Humbled and Whole


    The Gospels of Mark and Luke both record the account of a man with a withered hand entering into the Synagogue.  Twelve years ago I preached about this very subject in which this man was healed as he displayed his affliction.  In more recent times, however, I have heard some erroneous conclusions about the scripture. […]

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  • My cup runneth over …


    Colossians 2:9-10 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.  Paul described the revelation that in the person of Jesus Christ the Godhead was complete and that we are complete in Him.  We’ve quoted this on numerous occasions to declare His sufficiency of deity.  We are settled that in the Godhead Jesus […]

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  • Jesus is The Door!


    Some years ago a few Apostolic brethren were accused of being Exclusivists. Not wanting to become obdurate about our doctrine, they made a feeble attempt to be more inclusive. This resulted in a diluting of holiness standards; a revision of the necessity of Jesus’ name baptism; and the lessening of our emphatic position of speaking […]

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  • Jerusalem …


    Jerusalem.  That city set on a hill was the birthplace of the first church.  It was the epicenter of the first great Holy Ghost outpouring.  Peter preached the Keys to the Kingdom on the streets of that city while thousands looked on, but it was not received well in those days. The Roman Empire tried […]

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  • Milk …


    The last of the skim milk containers were almost empty when I visited our local coffee shop.  It has been reported that more people are using the less fattening milk than ever before.  The attendant told the person in front of me, “We just can’t keep skim milk in stock.”  Reluctantly the patron said, “Okay, […]

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  • Why did you leave me?


    God never makes mistakes. God never errors in judgement.  God is never late or tardy.  These are axioms of truth. To add to these declarations, I point your attention to the only glimpse of a young Jesus who has traveled with Mary and Joseph to Jerusalem from their hometown of Galilee.  It was a Jewish festival […]

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  • Red Cup


    Right after the invention of the wheel, the next big thing might be the Red Solo Cup. Just kidding, but it is interesting how reliant we have become on disposal things. It’s easier to use paper plates and expendable items than retain longer lasting articles that need attention. Cardboard, plastics, paper products, and a host of other […]

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