• In the Name of Jesus!


    Acts 26:28 Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. I’m peering over the edge at the end of Paul’s extensive life and ministry. The years of preaching and debating have afforded him the unique skill of persuasion shared by few. Hundreds of miracles, baptisms, and in-fillings have attended his […]

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  • A Place Called Arimathaea


    Having spent too much time preparing and delivering the Word concerning the Lord’s death, I could not help but to continue in this vein. Joseph of Arimathaea “begged the body of Jesus Christ.” Joseph sought the permission of Pilate to care for the battered and depleted body of the Lord after the crucifixion. The crowds […]

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  • Harbor …


    The reunion of Joseph, his brothers, and father was filled with emotion and tears. After more than 20 years of separation, Joseph finally saw the fulfillment of his dreams play out. When Jacob died, the brothers grew fearful that Joseph might seek retribution against them. It was speculative, but possible. They asked, Genesis 50:15 “What […]

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  • Humble Beginnings


    In 1965, Sister Mary Fell and her young daughter joined with Pastor G.E. Switzer to begin a new church called Home Avenue Apostolic Assembly. The church began and worshiped in a basement until the top floor sanctuary was built. Mary Fell is the last remaining founding member of the church we now call New Life […]

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  • The Lord’s provisions …


    The book of Kings speaks of a famine induced by the voice of the prophet Elijah against the wicked King Ahab. The next verse depicts the instruction of the Lord to Elijah to… “hide thyself by the brook Cherith…thou shalt drink; I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there.” During the length of the […]

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  • Mind of Christ


    John 6:35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. In light of the biblical narrative, the people followed Jesus because of the things that He did for them without understanding the higher calling of […]

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  • Chosen


    The Jewish people have been referred to as the “chosen.” This concept is derived from God’s declaration in Exodus 19, “you will be my possession.” To further emphasize the matter, centuries of prophetic pronouncement declared that the Messiah would be born into the house of David, having a lineage tied to the Abrahamic Covenant. This […]

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  • You Fool! What then?


    Luke 12 recites the parable of a wealthy man who did not understand the priority of life.  In his accumulation he built bigger barns to store more things.  In the end, God said to him, “Thou fool! This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own all the things you […]

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  • Jesus wants the fragments…


    John 6:12 When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost. As you may know, the Feeding of the 5,000 was the number of men only. In reality the actual number of people hearing was about four times that amount. The deep and long wilderness place overlooking […]

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  • The Moon …


    Ironically enough it seems that Hurricane Harvey has eclipsed the eclipse. The tragedy of the current has pushed last weeks news off the front page. August 21, however, was an incredible event when America experienced a total eclipse. The moon covered the sun. Flowers closed their petals and animals responded negatively. A host of things […]

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