• to struggle or fight …


    Jude 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. In context, the word contend means “to struggle or fight.” It is […]

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  • Business As Usual


    The economy seems to be doing well these days. In the world of real estate they say it is a seller’s market. Precious metals are holding steady. People are building, buying, partying, playing, and the list goes on. Regarding religions and worldliness, there are both perversions and purities depending on which side you live. I […]

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  • What Did Jesus Do


    There may not be much conflict among the greater Christian population, but I’ve never personally been interested with the WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) Campaign. Having watched the devaluation of holy things and holiness in our society, it seems odd to superimpose the Savior onto automobiles, foods, and houses. The WWJD crowd went from asking […]

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  • Protect the Promise


    The first chapter of Exodus seems so far away. The world was in chaos. Spiritual leadership had been drowned out by the plethora of lifeless gods. Egypt was both a powerful economy and a hedonistic civilization. The leaders of Egypt had forgotten the blessing of Joseph and were now firmly set against anything that might […]

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  • Power of the Tongue


    Joshua’s battle at Jericho is perhaps one of the Bible’s great military victories of all time. In historical reflection it was Israel’s first conquest after they crossed the Jordan and the city was its era’s most fortified city. Israel’s defeat of Jericho would set the tone for every other battle that lay ahead of them, […]

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  • “Leave the Corners”


    In consideration of world conditions, American life is exceptional. By comparison, there are no food shortages; no imminent crises of disease; no energy failures, blackouts or currency devaluation. Other countries are not so fortunate: Venezuela, Pakistan, the nations of Central America, Congo and a host of other African nations; the Middle East, the northern regions […]

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  • Raising Up Stones


    If truth be told, John the Baptist was a renegade among his generation. His clothing, bold and harsh approach, and presentation in a wilderness were unique. No one had ever seen such a thing. He did not stand in front of plaster-coated columns as the Romans. He did not grace the steps of the Jewish […]

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  • Power of the Enemy


    ESV – I Corinthians 3:1-3 “But I, brothers, could not address you as spiritual people, but as people of the flesh, as infants in Christ. I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. And even now you are not yet ready, for you are still of the flesh. […]

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  • Faith …


    In reflection of the many times I have preached the Word, I realize how the subject of faith so often seems like an intangible thing. In some circles, it is met with disdain as it hinges on the supernatural and not on “reality.” To have faith in something you cannot see has been discredited by […]

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  • Crown of Thorns


    Peel away the outer layer of today’s modernized event and you’ll find the Passover. Israel remembered this day when God saved them from death through the blood of an innocent lamb. The fulfillment of their Passover occurred when Jesus, The Lamb of God, died on the cross. The work done on Golgotha paid the ransom […]

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