… Great Depression ….
September 3, 1929 was the last day of an eight-year gain in the American Stock Market. By October of that same year, a mere four weeks later, the stock market was in a slide from which it would not quickly recover. The whole thing crashed as America plummeted into the Great Depression. A very smart […]
A Conversation …..
The ancient libraries of Alexandria and Pergamum are a faded memory to our current “screen-age” society. Perhaps all printed material is destined for the same. Paper books took a tumble in 2007 when Amazon’s Kindle was released. The stacks of daily papers at corner newsstands; the early morning paper routes hosting a thousand kids on […]
“These Stones”
It must have been some sight when the priests stood in the middle of the parted Jordan River holding the Ark of the Covenant. Joshua led the people across on dry ground as the whole of Israel took their first steps into the land of Canaan. Their promise came by way of yet another miracle. […]
Death By Self
Another tragedy unfolded last month along the cliffs of the Rock National Lakeshore Park in Michigan. A hiker stopped to take a selfie and fell to their death some 200 ft below. While the death toll is small, it appears that at least 54 people have now died taking selfies with about 5 deaths added […]
The Hand …
Something about the hand that garnished the attention of the biblical writers. God’s hand; the hand of man; the hand of pharaoh and that of the enemy are all descriptive terms. Elijah’s promised vision came when he saw a cloud the size of a man’s hand rise from the sea. The hands of people are […]
Make Our Mark
It’s 1953 and Ben Hogan is all the rage. He sits atop the golfing world. His hair is slicked back and his short sleeve shirt cannot hide his toned muscles. He’s a phenomenon. He’s strong. His wide smile and trophy-laden arms tell a story of successful youth. Everyone wants to be like him as his […]
A pastor recently called me to lament his inability to raise money for a small church project. Rhetorically he asked, “Where are the givers who helped Moses build the Tabernacle?” I told him, “They’re at the movies.” According to the Labor Bureau of Statistics, the average home spends about $230 a month on media per […]
… go unto the House of the Lord …
Let us not neglect our church meetings, (the assembling of ourselves together) as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near. Hebrews 10:25 (TLB) College football is a growing sport, consuming more audience in the critical advertising segment 21-35 year olds. […]
On a small knoll, Jonathon the son of Saul made a statement that echoes through time. He said, “There is no restraint for the Lord to save by many or by few.” He said, “God can work through and for any number of people.” The factor was always God. The catalyst for victory was Him […]
Balance …
On the Mount of Transfiguration, Peter, James, and John saw Jesus glowing in a translucent light. Atop that mountain were Moses and Elijah speaking with the Lord when The Voice came from the clouds. It was a scene of great spiritual significance unsurpassed by normal events and is often considered 1 of 5 of the […]