• … God’s Wonder …


    Perhaps the greatest moment of Isaiah’s life came when he wrote; Isaiah 6:1 “In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.” Five decades of prosperity attended to Uzziah’s reign over Judah. Uzziah offered the people a lifetime […]

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  • Simply Believe …


    With an infinite number of commentaries about Christmas, I offer this remaining thought: Obedience must not be contingent on Understanding. Layered in the angel’s message to Mary is one of the Bible’s most prophetic words. Gabriel said of Jesus, Luke 1:32-33 “He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and […]

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  • Emmanuel, God with us


    How long will Jesus be a baby? It seems that for many, Jesus remains in the manger. Being trapped in a thematic tone, it’s difficult for us to see the greater picture. The Christmas season is so consuming. With all of its dinners and parties, we have a tough time looking past the nativity scenes. […]

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  • the “low road”


    Consider the final Passover meal and those present in that rented room. Jesus is serving His disciples as they blindly enter yet another festival in Jerusalem. Mere hours separate them from the chaotic scene that will unfold in Gethsemane. They eat without regard; make statements without knowing the consequence; and lounge together without urgency. Peter […]

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  • Truth not enough?


    1 Kings 22:7-8 “And Jehoshaphat said, Is there not here a prophet of the LORD besides, that we might inquire of him? And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, There is yet one man, Micaiah the son of Imlah, by whom we may inquire of the LORD: but I hate him; for he doth […]

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  • … the response …


    The emotional roller coaster was in full display the day Israel left Egypt. Each plague wrought havoc on the Egyptian family while Israel stood unscathed. Ultimately, they left carrying the treasures of their captors. One cannot imagine the exhilaration of that moment. Freedom. Then came the Red Sea; that impassible obstacle. To make matters worse […]

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  • Thumbs Up!


    Thumbs Up! Isn’t it great to be validated by other people? What a wonderful feeling to have a “thumbs up” attached to our posts, pictures, and shared thoughts. In fact, the more “Likes” must mean we are doing good. Right? It is said that everything is defensible if enough people say so and everything is […]

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  • …. lack of vision ….


    The famed preacher declared the effects of a lack of vision. He wrote that without a vision the people perish. Those words inspired a thousand sermons and lessons alike. The vision message entailed the future; a plan for the body; and a destination to reach. Many purport that all healthy organizations hinge on “visionary leadership.” […]

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  • The Way


    Some months ago, a pastor friend of mine met with a family. They had decided that outward holiness was no longer necessary and church attendance was optional. They told him that they were spiritual people and had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ on their own. Their conclusion was that they no longer needed to […]

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  • … Great Depression ….


    September 3, 1929 was the last day of an eight-year gain in the American Stock Market. By October of that same year, a mere four weeks later, the stock market was in a slide from which it would not quickly recover. The whole thing crashed as America plummeted into the Great Depression. A very smart […]

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