• Follow By Faith


    Consider God’s declaration in the Bible’s first book. Genesis 18:18 Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him. The blessing of the Jewish people came via the obedience of one man. Israel’s wealth, land, and future began the day that Abraham took God at […]

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  • Faith by Hearing


    Consider the moment when a Syrian king made private plans to overthrow Israel.  Each time he issued a command, the armies of Israel countered with an alternate plan.  It must have been frustrating for the Syrian generals to move an entire army only to return home without having fought.  There were no wins or losses […]

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  • The Home…


    Acts 5:42 “And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.” Two critical moments occurred in the history of the early church. The first came at the end of Pentecost when 3000 people were baptized in Jesus’ name and were filled with the Holy Ghost speaking […]

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  • Political


    Politics have become one of the most divisive things in our world today. There is little debate over the raging differences that exist in our nation’s capital. From local governmental bodies to the halls of Congress we are seeing a polarization of immense proportions. While many are keenly aware of these divisions, history speaks to […]

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  • He loved us …


    Ephesians 2:4-5 “But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)” American ingenuity and freedom have become interesting bedfellows. We are both creators while enjoying the benefits of self-expressions. Our constitutional […]

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  • I must decrease …


    Before John the Baptist appeared on the scene, there was an obvious absence of Spiritual authority. The prophets had faded into the shadows of that older time even though the Temple work prevailed. John became an instant hit. His preaching was without a filter. His message was unique. Most of all, he did not mince […]

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  • … Stones …


    The stones of Bolshoi Zayatsky Island are intriguing things. While most people are not overly concerned as to their intent, it is interesting to consider their labyrinths shapes, weaving and spiraling on the ground. The clusters have perplexed tourists for many years. I suppose that they once served some purpose, though no one knows what […]

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  • Be the Shekel …


    In a religious age where the church and the Bible’s doctrines are under-valued, I submit The Temple Shekel. Without the means to measure proper weight of monies in the market place, merchants would often shave the outer edges from their currency to retain more of the precious metal. In relatively short periods of times, the […]

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  • Individualism


    It’s nothing new. You know, the idea that everyone should be accepted for what they do. Individualism has always been prominent among people full of carnality. Cain was the clear winner when it came to self-justification. He thought that a grain sacrifice was just as good as a blood sacrifice. Even though God had clearly […]

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  • Heart of Worship


    I’m writing in hopes of building a heart of worship. I’m working on my own heart. I’ve peered over the edge of time and found my days moving too fast to waste. Whether we see it or not, truth is, we all have a small window to live this life. The Bible’s oldest book is […]

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