• The Battle of the Bulge


    Tomorrow, decades ago, the world was holding its collective breath. The wooded region of Ardennes was soon to be left twisted and torn like that of a tornado’s rampage. While I often bypass this historical moment in leu of more pleasant Christmas thoughts, this year seemed to stall at the juncture of Winston Churchill’s declaration […]

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  • Word Police


    If you haven’t noticed, the “Word Police” are actively looking into your conversation. This week marked another series of culturally approved words while dispelling the formerly offensive ones. As you might imagine, we are in a hypersensitive society where appropriation can result in loss of jobs and friends. It’s also a time ruled by people […]

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  • “Powerful” Churches


    Geoff Pender first turned me on to the news. Writing for The Clarion Ledger, Pender predicted the day when retailers in Mississippi would receive their first ever lottery ticket distribution. Vice chairman of the Mississippi Lottery Board, Gerard Gibert, was ecstatic to announce this week that the end of the opposition to the lottery in […]

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  • Climate change


    Climate change, I cannot think a more divisive debate in our world today. While the subject weighs on world economies, political positions seem to be impacted the most. In brief, the theory is that human activity causes an increase in carbon emissions, thus creating an increase in the earth’s atmospheric temperatures through a series of […]

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  • The heart


    Consider King Amaziah, who reigned in Jerusalem some 29 years. Though there are many commentaries pertaining to his administration and leadership, none are more telling than the words found in 2 Chronicles 25:2 “And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, but not with a perfect heart.” It’s such a […]

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  • Queen’s Crown


    No one really knows the worth of the Queen’s Coronation Crown. Originally it was called St. Edward’s Crown and was worn briefly by the new British monarch. The entire worth of the royal family’s collection of crowns, robes, scepters, and other ceremonial items housed in the Tower of London for the last many centuries is […]

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  • Importunity


    Importunity is not a common word in our modern vernacular. So when we read the parable of a Friend at Midnight, it might be difficult to understand the word that so described the main character. The end of the story rests on this statement: Luke 11:8 “…yet because of his importunity he will rise and […]

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  • Prayer


    What if you received everything you prayed for? Be careful before answering too quickly. Prayer is a powerful tool in the hands of the believer. It is our communication to God, Who is Faithful to answer our needs. It is the process of bringing our petitions to Him as we boldly approach the Throne of […]

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  • “Fire”


    Having gathered the wood himself, Elijah rebuilt the broken down altar left by the false prophets of Baal and of the grove. Mount Carmel had never seen so many people as the moment became an event. The prophet had come with a challenge that the God who answers by fire, “let Him be God.” But […]

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  • Respect


    Uzzah is an uncommon name in the Bible. His epitaph is among the most egregious ever written. For twenty years, the Ark of the Covenant resided among his family. In the process of moving, Uzzah put forth his hand to keep it from falling. God struck him dead where he stood for touching the sacred […]

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