Please, Don’t look away
Many years ago a young woman was being attacked in a nightclub. While others stood by, her life was forever changed. The onlooking crowd could have intervened, but they chose to walk away. The laws were challenged that day concerning the bystanders. States adopted new directives, which imposed a legal duty to act in some […]
Passover-Easter-Sunday. This is the Day of Resurrection! Easter is the day when we celebrate a Risen Savior Who loved us enough to die for our sins and powerful enough to rise from the grave. He redeemed us with His own Blood and gave us the victory when He rolled back the stone. However, from the […]
A preamble is referred to as the introduction to a subject or event. The broader thought is that the preamble encompasses the spectrum or future of what shall be told. There is purpose found in its hand; a forecast echoing from its voice, all of which declaring things to come. Scholars have long considered the […]
… meaningless …
Ecclesiastes 1:3 “What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?” Within the text, Solomon repeatedly uses this appellation to refer to himself. He has gained all that the world has to offer. He sits in the most unique seat ever offered to the mortal man. The nations bend […]
The Truth
In the few hours after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, a sudden realization struck the house of the High Priest. In a council meeting, maybe akin to a debriefing, the assessment was that the murder of Jesus was a mistake. They called it an error. They did not want to make a second one. Matthew […]
Luke 16:26 “And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.” The obvious distinction between Heaven and Hell was on full display in the teaching of Jesus. He […]
The Jordan
The Bible bears proof that there are critical points, decisions and crossings, which attain to every life. It is apparent that the Jordan River is a showcase of a main crossing. It was the pivot of both ministry and nation. The Jordan held the change of a life and destiny. Namaan was cleansed in those […]
Plumb Line
The modern Christian thought was expressed recently when two religious leaders denounced the idea of a strict adherence to biblical doctrine. Instead they proposed an emotional response to salvation and what they called “God’s love factor.” This presents God’s love greater than any biblical narrative or interpretation of the scripture. While this philosophy is counterintuitive […]
“Garbage in, garbage out”
Within the script of Paul’s letter to Titus, whom he called “mine own son after the common faith” there is a notable nugget of understanding. Paul wrote: Titus 1:15 “Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.” […]
“through Christ”
If we put ourselves in the proper perspective, then let it be known: We can, but not without God. We are a force against the darkness of this world! But not without God. We are an army, marching toward victory – equipped with power and authority. However, it all comes from the Omnipotent King of […]