Stagnant Waters
In the withering heat of Africa’s summer lies Lake Natron. The unmoved water features large volumes of sodium bicarbonate which calcifies any animal that might venture there. It means that they die and become like hardened statues. Birds floating on the surface are almost mummified and other animals which drink from those waters are frozen […]
The Drift
The final scene of King Saul found him alone and in defeat. He died on a hill surrounded by his lifeless sons; the enemy had exacted their strength against him. When David heard the news, he tore his clothes, fell to the ground and wept. Saul had desired to kill David, but he still considered […]
Sacrificial Giving
Mark 12:41 And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. Mark 12:42 And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. Mark 12:43 And he called unto him his disciples, […]
Emoji Prayer
With access to world news, the compounding tragedies have provoked civic and world leaders to respond to almost every event. Social media platforms allow quick replies or “call outs” to those matters which affect the lives of people beyond their borders. The current and most common statement is “Thoughts and Prayers.” However, the shallowness of […]
Evidence Of Belief
Is it possible to be a faithful church member, believer, giver and still be lost? Is it possible to preach, sing in choirs, teach Sunday school class and miss the rapture? Paul faced the possibility of this matter with great sobriety. 1 Corinthians 9:27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: […]
Decoration Day
The honoring of a life given in war was first known as Decoration Day. It originated following the bloody conflict that was America’s Civil War. Americans fought for the freedom of all people and it cost 646,392 souls, the most in American history. In 1971, the federal government declared it an official holiday, calling it […]
It may be my age, but when I was young there was no such thing as “disinformation.” We called it a lie. The term we use today is a broad stroke of ambiguousness. I suppose that in all, it relies upon subjectivism, meaning an opinion leading away from conventional wisdom or fact. The whole subject […]
Yesterday is forgotten
At some point believers must realize that the spirit of the age, which is both demonic and corrupt, is moving against God’s Word. We are living in the last days of time. Governments, political parties, celebrities, and media have joined to dismantle the scripture’s established truth. The Bible has guided us for centuries, but now […]
William Ross Wallace once wrote, “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.” He wrote of the power and preeminence of motherhood; that almost all views are given by the voice of motherhood. The Bible bares this truth in the light and life of Hannah, Jochebed, Jedidah, Eunice, and more. […]
All of Him or nothing
Matthew 26:4 “And consulted that they might take Jesus by subtlety, and kill him.” In every age there is a resistance to receive the fullness of Jesus Christ. Pieces of Him are palatable, but the whole of Him is distasteful. He offers “hard sayings” and straightforward commands. He tells the rich to sell all; the […]