In respect to the spring that is upon us, there is a truth that remains about life; in particular, this Christian life. While flowers bloom and trees find their leaves, the fact is that their strength remains hidden beneath the ground. Roots. Often unappreciated, unseen, uncherished; yet roots bring nourishment and sustaining stability. Even the mighty oaks in all their splendor cannot exist except their root system is secure. Those hidden wonders spread out almost 3 times the crown width which means that whatever beauty can be seen pales in comparison to what it takes to maintain it.
Paul admonished the saints to be planted and rooted. Be ye steadfast, unmovable. Col 2:7 “Rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith…” The things that can be seen are only possible by the things that cannot be seen. To weather storms of life; trouble in our homes; strife in our relationships; or offenses by other people, we must have a deep and broadening faith in Jesus Christ and the knowledge of the Word. There will be offenses. There will be trouble and it is then that our spiritual root system is known. And when we see the great faith and stability of others exhibited in their life through trial and pain, we know that they have been working on something that cannot be seen.
My prayer is that our church will focus on the worth of personal commitment and internal devotion. That we might decide and choose to serve the Lord regardless of circumstances. That our roots would be so deep and so broad that nothing and no one can shake us. I pray that you will make your calling and election sure and that Nothing shall separate you from this house and the Apostolic truth. Because there will be a pressing and a pressure that will try your resolve. But the beauty can remain because the roots have staked their claim.
Pastor Jeffrey Harpole