In the middle of God’s numerous instructions and miracles, God inspires Moses to say to Israel: Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. It means that some things only God knows and those things belong to Him. We are not accountable for the hidden by God. However, the second half is altogether different. Moses writes that we are accountable for all that He has revealed to us, “that we may do all the words of the law” i.e., “to obey God’s instructions.”
The text is surrounded by major events and historical wonders. It’s almost lost in the holy writ. Yet the same command is given a few thousand years later when Jesus teaches of a faithful and wise steward. He says, Luke 12:48 “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” James will complete this thought when he writes: James 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
All of it combines to form a cohesive thought: God has given revelation and understanding to His people. In His wise providence, the Almighty has chosen to reveal to us His divine purpose and Lordship. The knowledge of the doctrine of Jesus Christ is known among us: the Oneness of God, the New Birth experience, and the command to be holy as unto the Lord. We have been given a great light; not to boast or condemn, but to proclaim and teach. We are to abide in Him as He abides in us. Paul confronted those who had abandoned the Gospel when he asked: “Who perverted the doctrine that I preached unto you?” “Who was it that changed the Gospel into another?”
The secret things belong to God, but we are responsible for the things that are committed unto us. Stewardship is not just adjudicating our finances wisely. It’s also about how we handle the name of Jesus in Baptism and separation from the world in lifestyle. It’s about knowing to do good and doing it without excuse or apology.
Remember this word, it may be the most important you will ever hear: God is coming back for a bride that is without spot or wrinkle or any such thing. I urge you to remember what God has revealed to you and keep what is committed to you. Be faithful to the house of God and don’t forsake your convictions, but add to them each day. Run from the world and seek the face of God. Hold fast to the doctrine, which was delivered to you, and contend for the faith.
Pastor Jeffrey Harpole