I am reminded of the word of Alan Oggs: “The difference a Day Makes.” He spoke of his own life and new doors opening up to him. In a single day, the world changed for him. This word also speaks to the exodus of the Children of Israel. Moses was born into chaos. Moses was 80 years old when he confronted Pharaoh, which means that for eight decades the people struggled under the heavy hand of an oppressive empire. Egypt was cruel and ruthless as they enslaved the Hebrew people. We are only privy to a few of their degrading methods.
However one day, Moses stepped forward with a staff and the authority of God. In a single day, three million people walked out of slavery and crossed the Red Sea.
In a day, the blind man of John 9, was healed and could see. His entire life was spent in darkness until he met Jesus. The lame man also, sitting by the pool, unable to enter the stirring waters, was healed. He sat there for 38 years until Jesus raised him up. In one day, his life was forever changed. A woman who spent all the money she had and was “nothing bettered” but grew worse, touched the hem of the Master’s garment. Virtue flowed out of Him and healing flowed into her. She never struggled again with that affliction.
A day could mean the difference between darkness and light. It is the epiphany of understanding: To see the revelation of something once hidden. Paul heard the Voice of Yahweh say, “I am Jesus” and it changed his life. Paul’s purpose was redirected in a single day. He became the conveyor of the Gospel throughout all of Asia Minor.
Joseph was bound in prison. He had done everything in his power to do what was right. The path to his bondage made no sense. Then one day, a message came from the royal courts. Joseph changed robes, rooms, and put on the signet ring of the king in one day.
I’m waiting for my change to come. I will not be impatient or angry. I will not die in the process or give up on the path. Words of despair will not enter my heart. I have committed my way unto the King who reigns; my High Priest who is touched by my circumstance. He will deliver me and establish my path. He will do what no man or gift can do. There is a change coming and it will come in a single day. When that moment comes, I will rejoice and proclaim that it was worth it all. One day, we will see Jesus face to face!
Pastor Jeffrey Harpole