Perhaps the most notable commentary about David was Paul’s inclusion of Israel’s king in the New Testament. Paul said, Acts 13:36 “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers…” David fought many battles and obtained as many victories. He was the nation’s favored king; a worshiper, songwriter, and a man after God’s own heart. However, Paul depicted him simply as one who served his own generation by the Will of God. At the conclusion of it all, the Will of God is premier. His Will supersedes all other accomplishments that may be attributed to this life. Thus, Paul gave credence to the greater accomplishment of King David: he served his own generation by the Will of God.
The time we have is limited, even now. We all have a window of opportunity to reach the lost. These days are God’s allotted time given to us to spread the Gospel and the Apostolic doctrine. It is our single purpose for living. Our mission has been set long ago from which we must not deviate.
The last 20 years have been filled with the blessings of God. While challenges remain, I am convinced that our plight is a collective thought: To reach our city with the only saving message of Acts 2:38. This is no small task as it consumes our thoughts day and night. We are pressing for the Mark for the Prize of the high calling of God which is in Christ Jesus. It is His divine Will for us to reach the Harvest. This exclusive doctrine demands as much.
New Life Fellowship has been a refuge for so many people. Through the years, hundreds of families have found the Lord and so much more. Many have been born again of the water and the Spirit. The name of Jesus has been our constant source of power and authority. What a joy to know the Truth and to share it!
Tami and I honor you as a congregation for your faithfulness and commitment. Our family is indebted to you and to those who have served the Lord and have passed from this life. Our greatest desire is to experience a city-wide revival and to serve our own generation by the will of God.
Pastor Jeffrey Harpole