The Spirit of the Age

The pressing of the times is often referred to as “The spirit of the age.” The initial chapters of Genesis entail God’s plan for mankind which include obedience, marriage, headship, and dominion. God made Adam and Eve to function in harmony. They were male and female. The earth was their domain and they were to replenish and populate.

The spirit of the age refutes God’s commands. Self-identification and gender shifting is an anti-god philosophy. The home/marriage was the bedrock of divine design. Westernized countries are watching the absence of marital commitment. Meaning that people are not wanting to make the life-long commitment seeing the reality of divorce.

Houses have alarm systems, gates, fences, and walls. Yet, how do we protect our families and marriages. The pressing of the times is against a whole home. It invades our time and wars against our peace. I believe that Satan himself is waging a war against every apostolic home. Television promotes anti-god and immoral behavior. Websites are routinely promoting infidelity and normalizing sinful activities.

Consider the following:

There are 86 divorces every hour compared to 230 marriages an hour.

Marriage commitments have decreased as promiscuity has increased.

An estimated 41% of first marriages will end in divorce.

Roughly 60% of second marriages will end in divorce.

Drug addiction has risen sharply as legalized marijuana makes its way into every demographic, especially that of middle schools: grades 5-7.

Movie rating allowances have increased which deceives parents into thinking that the film is appropriate.

The statistics of so many other issues are staggering. All of this leads me to reach for holiness: being separate from the world. Some may be trying to blend into the world, but I am trying to break away from it. Secularism, humanism, apparel, the confusion of genders, lust and perversion are making a demand for the church to be focused on the things of the Spirit!

1 Pet 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Pastor Jeffrey Harpole

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