Pray, Seek, Witness, Work

Twice Jesus spoke the words, “my house.” Once in reference to the Temple and its purpose. Commerce had consumed the atmosphere when Jesus took a whip and beat the money changers. Jesus kicked over their tables, spilling shekels and silver coins across the Temple floor. The purpose had been stolen and Jesus came to declare its restoration. Luke 19:46 Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves.

The second reference was made in a parable, referring to the church and the inclusion of people. Jesus was adamant about filling up the “house” with lost souls. If the original invited guests would not come, then the command was to go beyond and compel people to come to the house. Luke 14:23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come

It is an indictment against the modern-day church for us to reject prayer and soul-winning. The scripture does more to suggest that prayer-less churches, homes, and places of worship are nothing more than a business. Furthermore, to be “in the church” is much different than “being the church.” Membership in an assembly is not the same as being a witness. The only indication that we are the church is IF we are actively reaching souls and being a witness. Everything else is tradition.

I know of people who have “perfected” their clothing attire, but have never brought one person to Christ. They have lived their entire lives pointing out flaws of others, but have never taught a Bible Study or reached a lost soul. They look modest on the outside, but they have no constraint with their tongue. They are full of dead man’s bones. Dry. Legalistic. Powerless.

Some attend, but do not serve. They know the words to songs, but they do not know the Word of God. Some go through format and function, but will not witness. They are imitators of the real thing. Just church members with no evidence of obedience to the command of Jesus: Go, Teach, Baptize!

We will stand before God and give an account for what we have done and what we have not done! An answer for all the resources we could have given, but held back will be accounted for. Time and energy we used on trivial things will be brought before the King of kings. Human ambitions, which swallowed up our days, causing us to be absent from “the field.” I preach, now is the time to reach the lost. Today is the day the church must seek the lost. The Night cometh when no man can work! So break out of your routine and pray, seek, witness, work. It is the only thing that matters.

Pastor Jeffrey Harpole

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