Angel of Light

In the process of warning the saints in Corinth, Paul speaks about false teachers and deceitful “workers” which either changed the original Gospel message found in Acts 2:38 or used it as a tool to gain personal influence. These false teachers presented themselves as “good people” with pleasant dispositions. Paul likened these false believers to Satan. Within the letter, Paul describes the appearance of the devil in this fashion:  2 Cor 11:14 “…for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.”

Satan is not coming in dark robes or horns. He will not appear as a demon filtered through Hollywood’s lens. He is coming as an angel of light with every means of deception. Jesus said, Mat 24:24  For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

The last days will feature both political and religious figures who are armed with the power of deception. Those who profess Christ, but have failed to try the spirits or those who live half-hearted will be deceived. This is happening in our time, even as I write. 

There is no debate that westernized societies are enamored with image. Social media has opened the door to individual identity in ways unknown for thousands of years. People are often elected, promoted, and befriended based on appearance. Many make superficial judgements which lead to a moral decay. I often write of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who sought content and character over image and appearance, but his words have been dismissed by the greater majority of charlatans. 

Just know, Satan is coming as an angel of light. The world will not see him as a grotesque creature. His message will be embraced by the masses. The Devil and those who spread false doctrine, misuse scripture, and pedal a lie which removes Biblical truth, will not come with eerie sounds and blood. They will come with agreeable tones and convincing words.  

The apostle cautions us to look beyond the image and determine the rhetoric of darkness. It is so easy to be caught in the web of satanic messaging because of how things look and feel. However, the real Church of Jesus Christ is not of this world and does not accept its philosophy. We are people of The NAME, bought by His precious blood; filled with His Holy Spirit. We are not to look like the world or live like the world. We are called out; separated to be a Witness of this One Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism message! 

Pastor Jeffrey Harpole