Gather Them

In 732 B.C., Tiglath-Pileser annexed the northern part of Israel which included Damascus. Solomon, 931B.C., was the last king to lead a united nation, but afterwards the kingdom split. Jerusalem became the capital of Judah to the south and Damascus the capital of Israel to the north.

Paul was baptized in Damascus and threatened there. Many received his preaching, though the account does not reveal a revival like that of Antioch. Paul had to escape the city as the governor under Aretas the king surrounded it with military men – 2 Cor. 11:32. Many other things happened there in regards to the early church. Through the centuries, the nation of Israel became confined to a smaller footprint, giving away some of its northern territory. Syria expanded, consuming Damascus. The city is now known as the 4th holiest Muslim site and one of the oldest religious landmarks.

At present, tunnels are being dug in Damascus similar to those found in Gaza in order to conceal weaponry from aerial views. The consensus relies upon the co-joining of Iran and Syria against the nation of Israel. The war which began last October has grown far beyond the Gaza Strip.

God will protect Israel and Damascus will fall. This final destruction of the city will open the door to both an end to the war and the time of the antichrist. The prophecy is staring us full on:

Isa 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

While the American church wallows in the throws of political unrest; inflation, and perverseness, the Endtime is racing toward us. The alarm has sounded. The time is at hand! Still I wonder if the “five foolish virgins” will continue to live a shallow life, void of any real commitment. Heb 2:3 “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation…?”

This is a call to the church. The message is Action, Witnessing, Worship, Consecration, Faithfulness, and more.

We do not have time to sit and listen. This is the message of the two spies to Rahab: Gather everyone and bring them into the House! The world as you know it is wrapping up and it will never be the same. Finally, if you read this, tell me. There must be a response to The Mission! There is a demand on our lives which cannot be ignored.

Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses…