Take Someone With You

Many years ago, a hypothetical question was presented in hopes to provoke a conversation among various age groups. It went something like this: “If your house was on fire, what is the one thing you would take with you?” Those who were young replied with items like video game consoles or cell phones. Young adults spoke of family heirlooms or hand-drawn paintings or letters. The eldest among the group said, “If the house is on fire, look for the family or anyone who might be in the house.”

This proverbial question has been presented at countless tables and classrooms throughout the years. It showcases not only maturity, but also value systems. To some, material items hold the primary place. To others, things that were handed down retain the highest value. The greatest however are people. It is true that some things cannot be replaced. Precious and priceless things have been lost in storms and fires, never to be recovered again. Yet, the greatest of all are people: a child, a wife, a husband, a friend.

This seems elementary. Of course we would all focus on getting the people out of the burning building. Of course, we would leave the wealth behind and save the helpless. Even those things, which have meaning and are irreplaceable, never measure up to a living person, trapped in a collapsing room. Our natural instinct is to ask, “Is there anyone left behind?” History speaks of fathers and mothers running back into the flames to rescue a missing child.

Jude wrote a one chapter letter. I offer the Word as a call to those who understand that nothing is greater than the rescued soul.

Jude 1:20-23 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And of some have compassion, making a difference: and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

In other words, whatever it takes to reach people, that is what we must do. The Lord’s coming is imminent and we must be about the Father’s business. The world is in chaos and people need the Lord. Though I do not believe that anyone can “take someone to Heaven” the reality is that teaching the Gospel and being a Witness are the elements of our rescue. This is the hour of our purpose!

Pastor Jeffrey Harpole