
In a very strict sense, and to those of us born with rational brains, Motherhood is the state of being a mother. The birth of a child is the foremost prerequisite, however, adoption or marriage to a man who has children constitutes the state of Motherhood.

Since its inception, Motherhood has always been intertwined with parenting. Direction, correction, care, and concern is part and parcel of the duty. In more recent times, standard definitions have been challenged making it critical that declarations are made. It wasn’t until the mid-1980’s that America saw the abandonment of motherly authority. “Friendship” became cache between mothers and daughters, bypassing the traditional relationship of parenting. Sometimes sons were included in this mixed confusion. These diluted roles showed its ugly head so that Motherhood was reduced to “peer” status.

While the majority understand the role, it is apparent that modernism has stripped us of God’s view of Parenthood, for fathers and mothers. Mother’s Day should be celebrated as God’s intent for the family. This day we give honor to our mothers, whether by natural birth or adoption, by virtue of their guidance, wisdom, and instruction. At the same time, we must preserve the biblical principle of what a mother should be. The need is to restore the correct definition and duty of a mother.

Solomon gives us the precise definition, which is far from the feministic view. He called her, the “virtuous woman.”

Prov 31:10 Her price is far above rubies.

Prov 31:11 Her husband trusts her. She does good for her husband.

Prov 31:12,15 She works diligently all hours of the day and night.

Prov 31:16,18 She is wise in her dealings at home and at business.

There are many other attributes of this virtuous woman. One of her most notable attributes is found at the end: Prov 31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. The commentary of her children seals the narrative of this virtuous women.

We may not understand the conflict of the carnal mind, but we know that God’s view of a woman and a mother is far from the American view. While we honor Motherhood, we must keep in mind God’s guidance for the family and the home. Anything less than following God’s plan will result in another useless, throwaway, American holiday. The Bible teaches mothers to guide their sons and daughters. They are to example submission, work-ethic, and daily discipline. Most of all, a godly mother must instruct her children in the ways of the Lord. The mother who serves and exhibits respect and honor produces a family of order. This the Motherhood our world so desperately needs.

Pastor Jeffrey Harpole