
Rev 22:4 And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.

What shall we say about the never dying soul? Heaven and Hell occupy realms unknown to this temporal life. Whatever portrayal the artist may give, nothing can depict their distinct domains. Heaven and Hell are often minimized subjects given to the analytical mind or to the philosopher’s tale. These real and eternal realities are then cast into themes and stories meant to invoke an emotional response rather than lead to the desperate cry from the heart.

I feel myself trite today. Perhaps I have become a “broken record”, but the signs of the times have consumed my nights. These prophetic moments are overwhelming. The nation of Israel is at war for survival. Jews are being castigated all over the world. The hatred is nothing less than fulfilled prophesy.

It’s difficult to understand how anyone who prescribes to the Bible could still live half-hearted. The prophets saw things before they happened. They preached of a future through the inspiration of the Lord. The difference is that the Hebrew people did not have a written prophecy as we have. They had the voice of the prophet, which should have been enough, and yet it did not keep them focused on the One true God of Israel. We have the Bible; written down for us to read. The truth of God’s Word can be refuted, but not because of ignorance.

Paul wrote that some would depart from the faith because they “loved not the truth.” Paul referenced that they knew the truth, but rejected it. They were lost in delusion because they did not live out what they knew. Having the Bible and obeying the Bible are two different things. We have no excuse to be lost.

As the clock ticks toward midnight, I wonder how many will still live complacent. As the world moves ever so near to the closing of time, I wonder how motivated the church will become to spreading the Acts 2:38 message. Because the greatest level of self-care is to be saved and the greatest expression of caring for others is to teach the Gospel.

Heaven and Hell awaits. Even as I write, I feel minimized, as if I am merely echoing the warnings of old time preachers. If I am cast in such light, then I gladly accept the accusation. Someone must tell you that Jesus is coming! Someone must tell you that your secular ambition is neither valiant or noble. Nothing you gain, store, or acquire will matter. All of it will burn with a fervent heat. What matters is your soul.

I want to see His face. I want His name applied to my life. I want to be in the Church Triumphant.