… come in the wait …

The Construct of Impulsivity may seem like a lofty word, but the reality of it is quite basic. Behavioral science has spent years researching impulsive natures in regards to motor functions and rash responses. The advertisement/product world has relied upon this research in the study of consumer spending habits. In a broader view, emotional decisions are being made everyday in relationships, jobs, and church affiliation that often lead to regret. Marriages are taking place with almost no forethought. Large purchases are made without considering the ongoing cost. Movements are taking place with the promise of something better, many of which never materialize. The impulsive nature of mankind has been an affliction since the beginning.

Our problem is that we spend too little time inquiring of the Lord. Constraint is not a popular subject and prayerful consideration is a lost art. Many listen to friends’ advice, but never hear the Voice of the Lord. They rely upon their need instead of God’s direction. To seek God seems like a foreign subject to the modern believer. I grieve to think of how many times such choices are made: Tables filled with sympathetic counsel while prayer rooms remain empty.

Jehoshaphat showcased the need for a Word from the Lord. He could have joined the battle with his well-equipped army, but he knew that human ability could never supplant spiritual counsel. His question was profound: 1 Kings 22:7 “Is there not here a prophet of the LORD besides, that we might inquire of him?”

The nation of Israel had already established the need for the Voice of God. 1 Samuel 9:9 Beforetime in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, thus he spake, Come, and let us go to the seer: for he that is now called a Prophet…” Even David, when he pondered the highest priorities of life, sought to inquire in the Lord’s temple (Psalms 27:4). He said, “One thing have I desired…”

The answers that come from God do not always come in a single moment of time. Sometimes they come in the wait. Sometimes they come in the seeking. Instead of our impulsive natures ruling our lives, we should be seeking the Voice of God which comes through contemplation, prayer, and time. Life decisions should never be made without prayer and fasting.

And for those who do pray, let it be known that prayer is not a one way street. We speak and then we wait for God to answer. Prayer is not a tool to get what we want. Rather it is a petition to be offered and then an open-ended offering for God to reply when He so chooses, any way He chooses. I submit the Scripture as the benchmark for our lives:

Luke 21:19 In your patience possess ye your souls.

Pastor Jeffrey Harpole