Politics have become one of the most divisive things in our world today. There is little debate over the raging differences that exist in our nation’s capital. From local governmental bodies to the halls of Congress we are seeing a polarization of immense proportions. While many are keenly aware of these divisions, history speaks to such factions. Europe has been overran numerous times. Africa has seen bloodshed. America was divided in the 1800’s as fathers took up arms against sons; brother against brothers in the Civil War. I am not submitting that our day is the only time of conflict. The difference is a great departure from biblical foundations.
As judges are appointed to fill empty seats, the Senate is given the task to interview each occupant. In an exchange with a conservative judge, Senator Cory Booker asked if Judge Neomi Rao believed gay relationships are a sin. The point of the inquiry was to point out that Judge Rao would be unqualified to sit on the bench if she thought that the LBGTQ community was sinful in practice. Senator Booker has been joined by a host of other congress people who also decry the idea that sex outside of marriage (a man and a woman) should be considered a sin. In fact, in his opinion, anyone who describes gay relationships as sinful should be removed from public office and government jobs.
You see, the next great division is about the Holy Scriptures. Political leaders are denouncing these biblical teachings. Sin with all of its definitions has been approved and the Bible is being outlawed. The political world is stepping into the church and removing the very foundation of our beliefs. So while there have been many wars and conflicts in world history, these days boast of a war between holiness and the works of the flesh.
The matter is not whether worldly men and women will demand the removal of biblical truths; the matter is whether Christians will stand up and be counted. Are we ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Are we hiding in the shadows, hoping not to be noticed that we are a set apart people, a holy nation, a royal priesthood? Hear me… we are The Church – The Bride that will be presented to Him without spot or wrinkle.
Let me answer the senator’s question. Yes. Sexual activity outside of marriage which features one man and one woman is a sin. Yes. All adulterers and fornicators are engaging in sinful practices and are acting in opposition to the Truth found in the Bible. Finally, “Yes” the precious Blood of Jesus Christ has been given to forgive and pay the price for the sin of the whole world.
Pastor Jeffrey Harpole
One response to “Political”
You have spoken the truth. Please keep preaching the Bible as it is written.