In reflection of the many times I have preached the Word, I realize how the subject of faith so often seems like an intangible thing. In some circles, it is met with disdain as it hinges on the supernatural and not on “reality.” To have faith in something you cannot see has been discredited by the humanistic mind. Sometimes even believers shrug off the word because of its illusive nature. The Bible, however, is clear that it takes faith to believe in God and faith to be saved. Healing is said to be “according to your faith.”
Faith can be lost and found again. It can elude us in times of drought or pain. When things don’t work out for us, even though we pray, faith looks like a figment of our imagination; some pulpit grammar without any real proof. I know how difficult it is to believe the rain will come when there is no cloud in the sky. I’ve been there time and again thinking God will feed the entire congregation with a full meal when all I’m holding is an insufficient lunch.
Nevertheless, the book of Hebrews says that faith is substance. The 11th chapter declares that there was so much substance it became the “credentials” of the Old Testament elders. By faith, they stepped out and suddenly God stepped in. By faith, they saw the result even though there was no logical reason to believe anything would take place. Faith moved Abraham to a place with no address. It caused Noah to build an ark with no historical precedent of a flood.
Faith is the great line that separates the heart. It makes demands on us that cuts against the grain of reason and common sense. Faith to believe God or the preached Word divides those who grow in God and those who are stagnate. The devil himself is after our faith. He wanted to steal it from Job and from a host of other patriarchs. Doubt is the easy way out. Skepticism is the way of the flesh. Faith is our connection to God. Perhaps, until we see Jesus face to face, faith is the only connection we have. When Jesus returns, the Bible ponders this matter: Will He find faith on the earth?
When I cannot figure things out; when I cannot see my way for the cloud of chaos that consumes me…I’m looking to Jesus Who is the Author and Finisher of my Faith!
Pastor Jeffrey Harpole
One response to “Faith …”
Thank you for all the different things that you do. Your life has influenced my life in a very positive way. I appreciate it.