New Normal …

In response to a recent terrorist act, a person close by said, “Well, life goes on.” I wouldn’t consider their statement part of the normalcy bias theory, but more of the new disposition that our country has accepted. Many consider this part of the “New normal.” This thought says that what was once abnormal has become common and because of its prevalence and frequency, it then becomes the norm. “New normals” mean definitions of terms, lifestyles, ideas, terrorism, social behaviors, apparel, and education are changed to reflect the preferences of the current culture. In essence, mass consciousness is now dictating what we should think, say, and how we behave. We see this happening in real time as careers are altered and people are hired or fired based upon their acceptance of the new norms.

Nevertheless, there is a problem. New norms do not reflect God’s law. New norms do not follow the path of holiness or righteousness. There’s a problem with allowing the “mass” to decide what is right and what is wrong when the scripture has already declared it so. For instance, the rainbow was given as a sign of God’s covenant with mankind that He would not flood the entire earth again. However, a perverse group has stolen the rainbow and used it as a sign to reflect tolerance of homosexual lifestyles. Christmas songs once used the word gay (happy), e.g., “don we now our gay apparel,” but today the new norm uses it to declare a sexual preference.

Normalizing sin is at the root of these concepts. The worldly mind thinks that as long as ideas are common, prevalent, and frequent then those ideas are not sinful. The prophet Isaiah foretold of this hour: Isaiah 5:20 “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

Consider apparel that appeals to the sensual desires of the flesh. Recently a research group detailed the list of so-called “soft-porn” television programs. Can you believe it? (insert sarcasm) Dancing With the Stars, DWS, is not about dancing. It’s a showcase of sexuality. Reality shows of all kinds have exploited and normalized the debauchery of the flesh.

I’m just one voice, but I rise to say The Church must be The Church. The people of God must stand for Biblical Truth and not for the validation of a corrupt world. The new norms are a certain path to destruction. I’m just preaching a little of Paul’s sermon… …2 Corinthians 6:17 “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.” He’s coming back for a bride without spot or wrinkle or any such thing!

Pastor Jeffrey Harpole