Psalm 118:6 The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?
It’s a small passage of scripture that often captivates my thoughts. In most cases I begin with the end in mind, i.e., the result based on the premise, but in this case the psalmist puts the Lord in His place. The Lord is where? “on my side.” It is His location to me that provokes faith and not fear. It’s where He is that makes all the difference. He is beside me and that fact alone changes the setting and scene.
Yet how easy it is for us to forget the intention of our God? We struggle with doubt and bewilderment simply because we believe that we are all alone. When we forget where He is; when we are distracted by some circumstance in our life, that is when we are set at odds with the truth. He said that He would never leave us. He will never forsake us. It’s only when we fail to see our place in Christ that we lean toward worry and fear.
How often have I stumbled in the face of men only to run back to the knowledge of this truth. The presence of the Lord is enough to sustain me. It’s more than enough to thwart the attacks of the enemy. This is not to say that harm is impossible. David is not saying that accusations and slander will not come. He certainly did not imply that we are free from the pressing of people or tribulation. These things were experienced by the saints throughout the ages. There were persecutions and pains to be sure, but in light of our faith and in the reality of our will, man can do nothing. God is on our side! The physical world cannot steal our faith or our hope without our permission. The natural realm cannot dismantle our doctrine or destroy our worship. No one can take your praise unless you let them. The Lord is our Protector, Keeper, High Tower, Refuge, and Strength. The Lord is on our side.
Pastor Jeffrey Harpole