Recent discovery depicts a long list of challenges facing the 21st century church. It’s not uncommon to find opposition from governments or laws at the forefront. Maintaining doctrines, complex family issues, and the moral morass, which has become our lot, also climbs into those top spots. Yet I see something greater afflicting our times. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, Complacent Christianity leaps to the front of the pew (or to the back). Being a Christian has never been easier. We have become very adaptive to our sinful world. We can relate to our society much better than our apostolic fore-fathers could relate to theirs. Preachers and parishioners alike seek new ways to blend in with the culture. From language to clothing, we are mostly adverse to standing out. Given this assumption it is clear that definitions have changed. ‘Sacrifice’ doesn’t mean what it once did. Worship is a song set while witnessing is waiting for someone to ask you where you attend church. It’s easy to come to a building and view the attractions. It’s something different altogether to BE the sacrifice!
I submit that conforming to the world, which Paul taught against, rages in our Pentecostal circles. Presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice was not meant to be unique. Paul called it our “reasonable service.” The psalmist set the tone when he wrote: Psalms. 69:9 “the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up!” The disciples remembered those words as they watched Jesus in action. They knew that He was all about the House of God and it provoked them toward extreme dedication. They were consumed with the mission; burning for the Cause of the Gospel. It was all or nothing and it became the mantra for every major revival since. Not all will hear this word, but I’m calling for someone to break out of complacency and do something you’ve never done before.
Pastor Jeffrey Harpole