Moving on seems to be a collective thought. We do love the “here and now.” People 40 years ago were not interested in the struggle of those who wearily fought the world wars. They disregarded the former sacrifice and began fighting for a sexual revolution.
The next generation came along with a more sarcastic view and again thought it all began with them. I could go on, but suffice to say every generation can barely grasp the sacrifice of those who came before. Blood on fields throughout the world has long since dried, but it paid for our freedom. Sweat that dripped from the steel worker has evaporated, but their heights remain.
So to be right, we cannot move on. It doesn’t begin here. In fact if we look at the Church we must go back and consider the sacrifice of the Saints that brought us this Truth. We are living out the blessings of their burden. Think of it: Solomon’s Temple is overlaid with gold and precious stones. It is beyond description. Craftsmen articulate with excellence so that not a hammer is heard when the Temple is built. It was a perfect puzzle erected without the sound of a striking nail or a lumbering board. Yet when it was finished everyone knew that it was generations in the making. It did not begin when architects took pen to parchment and designed its magnificent frame. Even Solomon, with his divinely appointed wisdom did not create it. The Temple began in the heart of David. He planned and saved for that day. He bought the threshing floor and made the original sacrifice that paved the path for Solomon’s glorious Temple.
Our church is reaping the harvest of a thousand prayers from people we do not know. We are blessed beyond measure because of the financial and spiritual sacrifice of many, and today we witness our youth full of the Holy Ghost as they stand on the foundation laid before they were born.
Pastor Jeffrey Harpole