The Washington Times released a quiz for all who might wonder, “How Christian Are You?” A test follows with trivia-type Bible questions. The outcome is probably not as relevant as its reflection to the larger issue: There are now levels of Christianity. The Barna Group conducted a similar study called: “How Christian are Christians?” It measures attitude/actions of Jesus vs. modern, self-proclaimed Believers.
These are but a few coinciding studies as the definitions of Christianity morphs from the 2000 yr. old base standard into a convoluted mix of 21st century subjectivism. This is where absolutes are non-existent and truth is relative. “How Christian Are You?” fits the narrative of the End Time, as if there could be levels of holiness or godliness. The disconcerting thing is that people are comfortable with their perceived level of devotion. They believe the lie that a little bit of Jesus makes them a Christian and will garnish them access to eternal life.
The Apostles and prophets would have told us that there are no levels of Christianity. They believed and preached that there is just One Way. Paul wrote: Eph. 4:5 “One Lord, one faith, one baptism,” Paul was an exclusivist. By today’s standards, Paul the Apostle, who wrote 13 books of the New Testament and who converted Asia Minor, would have been called narrow-minded and legalistic. He proclaimed that anyone who taught any other doctrine than that of Jesus’ name baptism and the essentiality of the Holy Ghost was accursed. Paul preached against sin and he called it out by name. There were no “levels” in his message. There were no partial participants. It was total commitment or lost. It was light or darkness. His message was the inspired Word of God which taught absolutism not relativism.
The conclusion of the matter is for us to be who we claim to be without wavering or contradiction. We are Jesus Followers and Bible Believers.
Pastor Jeffrey Harpole