• The Spirit of the Age


    The pressing of the times is often referred to as “The spirit of the age.” The initial chapters of Genesis entail God’s plan for mankind which include obedience, marriage, headship, and dominion. God made Adam and Eve to function in harmony. They were male and female. The earth was their domain and they were to […]

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  • Eleventh Hour


    Mat 20:9 And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. The parables of Jesus are found in the Gospels. Each have relevance in particular ways to display the King and Kingdom. All scripture is God-breathed. All is of great importance, especially that of the parables. Jesus […]

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  • Pray, Seek, Witness, Work


    Twice Jesus spoke the words, “my house.” Once in reference to the Temple and its purpose. Commerce had consumed the atmosphere when Jesus took a whip and beat the money changers. Jesus kicked over their tables, spilling shekels and silver coins across the Temple floor. The purpose had been stolen and Jesus came to declare […]

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  • A Secret


    Come close. I want to tell you a secret. It is an axiom of truth, i.e., it will never change. Here it is: “Give and it shall be given unto you!” A few thousand years have passed since Jesus, the Incarnate God – Emmanuel – The I AM that I AM, spoke these words. I […]

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  • Angel of Light


    In the process of warning the saints in Corinth, Paul speaks about false teachers and deceitful “workers” which either changed the original Gospel message found in Acts 2:38 or used it as a tool to gain personal influence. These false teachers presented themselves as “good people” with pleasant dispositions. Paul likened these false believers to […]

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  • Remember


    There is an open field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania which hosts a story of heroism. I’ve walked the field to discover a large rock which marks this nondescript place. Beneath the boulder was a massive hole where United Airlines Flight 93 found its resting place. If you stand at the rock and look back, you’ll […]

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  • If God Be For Us


    Rom 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? Rom 8:32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Rom 8:33 Who shall lay any thing […]

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  • He Knew Me


    This writing may be a bit truthful for the average Christian. I want to warn you upfront just in case you decide to keep an anti-God opinion. Both Pew Research and Guttmacher Institute provide the consequences of abortion in the United States. Since 1973, the legal practices of abortion have killed 63,495,781 babies. Most of […]

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  • That Nothing Be Lost


    In a single line, Jesus revealed His nature toward us. It happened at the end of the feeding of the 5,000. After a long day of teaching, the disciples came to Jesus with the need for food. They would have sent the multitude home, but the Lord intervened. Andrew found a little boy’s lunch. John […]

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  • Gather Them


    In 732 B.C., Tiglath-Pileser annexed the northern part of Israel which included Damascus. Solomon, 931B.C., was the last king to lead a united nation, but afterwards the kingdom split. Jerusalem became the capital of Judah to the south and Damascus the capital of Israel to the north. Paul was baptized in Damascus and threatened there. […]

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