The Seasons

The season is upon us, but perhaps it’s not the season you were thinking of. The Bible often offers a polar look at the principles it presents. For instance, Paul wrote about a “due season” in which a time of reaping would occur. However, in the construct of the verse, he implies a season opposite of reaping. He wrote: Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

There is a season of “well doing” which does not produce a crop. This God-inspired book presents the need to continue in times of want. It implores us to work, pray, give, fast, and serve even when there is no evidence of a harvest. The seasons of planting and waiting are always more critical than the season of reaping. The heart of the faithful is challenged when the right thing is done, but the result is not evident. Everyone desires their “due season.” Few want to discuss the one which precedes it.

Daniel prayed for three weeks without an answer. In his world, this was an uncommon occurrence. While the prayer was heard and the answer was on its way, Daniel had to rely upon the right that he had done and not the outcome. His reaction was to continue in faith regardless of the silence. To that end, the Answer belongs to the Lord. The Harvest is up to Him. He is the Giver of all Good things. James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

Seasons change, but I wonder if they are contingent upon how I treat them. It could be that the goodness of God is keeping me in my season so I can learn to rejoice in it. Trust is rarely founded in the harvest and growth is not always an upward movement. The process of Growth entails pruning or cutting back. Paul and Silas were singing at midnight, bound in a Roman jail. It may have looked like the end, but they were showing us what it means to faint not in Well Doing. The season must not limit our faith or our work. If we continue, a new season will come.

Pastor Jeffrey Harpole

One response to “The Seasons”

  1. Jamie Leal Avatar
    Jamie Leal

    Great stuff Pastor!!