“Heart Transplant”

Truth be told, the prophet Jeremiah cried more than he preached for the majority of his ministry. The people of Israel had abandoned their faith in God which activated the prophet’s burden. Israel had devolved into a backslidden nation and Jeremiah became the weeping prophet. He preached and prayed for 40 years without a single convert. The pleasures of life had consumed the people, along with the trappings of carnal living – too much to relate in this small communique.

The problem was the heart of the people. Israel had a heart problem. Even still, the Lord’s intent was this: Jeremiah 24:7 I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart. God followed it up with these words: Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Are you getting this? The people had heart issues. They were consumed with things that led them away from God. The fact is that no one can serve two masters. Divided hearts always end in tragedy and God is the first to opt out. He is a jealous God and will not share your heart with other things beside Him.

Our hearts are like limited reservoirs: They can only hold so much emotion and love. We are not able to love the things of the world and still have passion for the things of the Lord. When we are consumed with the things of the world, God has no place to dwell. It takes a “Heart Transplant” for us to connect with His Kingdom. If not, our lives become cold and indifferent. Even the most basic things can lead us away from the feet of Jesus.

Ask Martha and Mary. One is busy about the task while the other has chosen the one needful thing. Ask Amaziah, who at 25 years old became the king, but was defined this way: 2 Chronicles 25:2 And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, but not with a perfect heart.

I urge you today to give God your entire heart. Don’t be consumed by the things of the world. They fade so fast. They never satisfy the never dying soul. Learn to serve, to give, and to worship. Give God the best of your days, and in return, He will give you a heart to know Him. The promise of total commitment is the most profound words you will ever hear. In the end, He will give you life everlasting.

Pastor Jeffrey Harpole

2 responses to ““Heart Transplant””

  1. Darrin Kelley Avatar
    Darrin Kelley

    Thank you pastor, I loved this!

  2. Michelle Bales Avatar
    Michelle Bales

    Thank you Pastor, I really enjoy reading your blog. It has confirmed things and reminded me of the things I need to be doing and the changes I need to make in my own life. I love the Lord, he has done so much for me I cannot tell it all. I long to be what he wants me to be. Glad you are my/our Pastor.