
On a small knoll, Jonathon the son of Saul made a statement that echoes through time. He said, “There is no restraint for the Lord to save by many or by few.” He said, “God can work through and for any number of people.” The factor was always God. The catalyst for victory was Him from Whom all blessings flow. Jonathon was but a player, an instrument, in the hands of the Omnipotent One.

When the kings and armies of Israel were outnumbered by their opposing forces, it was the Lord Jehovah Who gave the victory. In addition, when they were hungry; destitute in the wilderness; bound by the oppressor, the Lord fed them and delivered them. He was and is the I AM.

The knowledge of the Lord’s deeds were so great that the psalmist wrote, Psalm 118:22-23 “The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner. This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.” The “stone” in this verse had a dual meaning. The first spoke of Israel’s king that the nations could not defeat. God made the king the head of the corner. The second meaning pointed towards the Messiah which Jesus referred to as Himself being rejected by His own people. He, Jesus Christ, became the Headstone of the Church. In both settings the results are the same: God can do anything. God is our Victory and our Provision. All that He has done is “marvelous in our eyes.” When we were left empty, He became our substance. When we should have been defeated, He became our strength. He straightened our path and established our feet. He made a way through the desert and gave us what we could not attain.

In the light of this very day, as we gather to rejoice over what He has done in the last 7 years, we stand in awe of the Lord’s mighty hand. This church; with revival, passion, properties, families, finances, ministries, and more is nothing less than a miracle. There is no restraint for the Lord.

We should not be here, but God…

We should not be together, but God…

We should not have anything – not love or acceptance; hope or a
future, but God…

Moreover, from where I’m standing, This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes.

Pastor Jeffrey Harpole

One response to ““Stone””

  1. Tabatha Heitzman Avatar
    Tabatha Heitzman

    Praise the Lord Pastor Harpole. Glad to hear the Lord is blessing you all.