Little is much

God’s Economy has mystified the world for thousands of years.  His providence is beyond our understanding, but the result of His power is written on the pages of history. Follow it with me: Gideon conquers a massive enemy without raising a single sword. His victory is via 300 men with trumpets and torches standing in a circle.  Jesus feeds 5000 men, not including women and children, with a single lunch made for a child.  Peter pays a debt by fishing for a lone fish that has a shekel lodged in its mouth.  A widow gets out of debt by bringing empty vessels into her house and expensive oil appears in one. Mary intervenes at a wedding by telling the servants, “Whatever he says, do it.”  To which they simply pour water from one vessel to another with the last pouring being that of refined wine. God’s Economy can take a widow’s mite and pay for a mansion.  The children of Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years, but their shoes never wore out.  A handful of disciples turned the world upside down with a solitary sermon that began with death and ended with a resurrection.  In God’s Economy there are no barriers or limitations.

breadwithfishLittle is much.  The grain of a mustard seed moves mountains.  A rod can part an overflowing Red Sea.  Water flows from a rock and manna appears fresh every morning without fail. In God’s Economy the wise become fools and the foolish things amaze the wise.  He makes a valley of dried bones become a working army.  His resources are unlimited.  His strength is immeasurable.  He owns the cattle on a thousand hills so He never runs out.  He performs the impossible with the smallest portion of our assistance so we cannot take credit.  And because all of these things are true, we will not trust in horses or chariots; riches or forces.  We will not put our faith in talent or materials.  We will put our trust in Him Who cannot fail.

Pastor Jeffrey Harpole

One response to “Little is much”

  1. Alojamiento Avatar

    Little is much when God is in it! Labor not for wealth or fame. There’s a crown—and you can win it, If you go in Jesus’ name.